
The heart with a mind of its own.

(Be present.)

The mind with a heart of its own.

(It's past.)

The dream that is your waking life.

(Go there now.)

part XXIV: the catalytic angel of (un?)certainty
Saturday, Oct. 11, 2003


so the dream thought police have invaded. but i want

to start with an older dream: the one in which the man

in the orange jumpsuit was in the apartment that

wasn't your apartment. so, if the home is a metaphor

for the mind, and, in your mind, your home is not

really your home (in the dream is filled with

unfamilar stuff, is dark and changed), i think that

this relateds to the recent talk about how you are not

quite the sophistica anymore, not quite who you used to be

and aren't sure you like it. things are changing in

your head and do you want to accept the changes and

exist for a time in that curious space that straddles

the old and the new and that feels more uncomfortable

perhaps because you can't quite see either side very

clearly--aren't sure you want to let go of the old,

aren't sure you trust the new.(?) and the men in the

jumpsuits: you described them as one, very dangerous

and the other, very "accountant-like" but in an orange

jumpsuit. in thinking of the two men, they really

represent the kinds of men i see you as being

attracted to: there is the safe accountant type, not

too dangerous (bry maybe?) and the dangerous other

type (dangerous because you can't read him? dangerous

because he is an unknown? an x factor?) now, i know

that relationships represent a loss of freedom, and

hence the men in orange jumpsuits. i wouldn't place

too fine a point on their being in the o-suits and not

you. they are the agents of loss of freedom. they are

bringing to the newly unfamiliar and changed sophistica's

home/head a sense that there is going to be a loss of

freedom through the choice of one or another.

(alternatively, they could be those whom you would put

in a position of losing their freedom?) one has

"snuck" in--or was let in by someone or something

else--the dangerous one, the x-factor (?).

but the dreams otherwise seem to indicate that you are

finding yourself among a benevolently hostile people

where you are now. that seems a bit obvious perhaps,

but maybe what is not so obvious is that their threat

is very implicit. are you afraid that they are

changing you for the worse and you won't be able to

see this in time to stop it? these kind of

well-meaning meddlers are the worst to try and stop

(dr. vogon much?) because they are so well-meaning and

want only what's best for you (as defined by them) and

so it's their feelings that get hurt (as opposed to,

for example, their getting angry) when you don't fall

into line. if you don't think like they do, they

attack in that friendly way of "you really

shouldn't--you really ought to--" and then you end up

hating yourself for being such a rotten person as to

assert yourself, your wants and desires, to such

well-meaning, kind, friendly, brain-eating zombies.

you're right, these people do violate in a violent

way, but manage to make you feel guilt for protecting

yourself--and, since you are in the unfamiliar head,

does that mean that you don't have a right or

responsibility to protect yourself? are they

responsible for your changed apartment/your changing?

if so, how do you deal with that change?

but, x:

there is no guilt to be derived from the x, i think. i

don't know yet that i would go with an honesty policy

in this case, though i may talk one or the other of us

into this by the end. so, i'm a big fan of "let's see

where this takes us" policy (which, sadly, doesn't

overlap prettily with the "walk away from it" policy).

are you worried that x has discerned your level

of...what?...attachment to him? he may have, but this

is all Henry James drawing room stuff all of a sudden,

where things get submerged beneath overstuffed reading

chairs in hot, humid rooms in English country estates.

um. what i'm trying to say is: what would happen if

you admitted to x that you care about him? worst case

scenario? i guess, he'd walk and you'd be minus x.

but i'm guessing that this wouldn't happen. i mean,

for god's sake, in best-case scenario territory is

this convo i had with the neo, and as skittish as

he was, it still went something like, "i care about

you." "i care about you too." (and, no, i didn't

initiate that one.) so, i'm guessing that telling x

that you care is not going to make him head for the

door if only because lesser men didn't either. but i'm

also guessing that he knows it already. me? i'd hold

back the L-word for when you really, really know it.

not just the friend-L--not just the "i love you but

i'm not in love with you" L--but the big, "i'm in love

with you"-L. but that's just me.

that said, it's hard not to pick at an x. i know that

from experience. it's x-specially hard not to do it

when he is being as charming and seemingly as

forthcoming as he has been lately. (and i asked him

about his feelings about being in charge of finding

accomodations, and he made a joke about "do you think

she'd mind a tent in the woods?") i don't know that

your interest and the manifestations thereof

necessarily require a shameful reaction on your part.

and that isn't because everyone in our group who's

going to has already made a play for the x and so, in

terms of a population-based response, you're falling

within normal parameters. (god, why the need to couch

all this in such high-flying, pseudo-science speak?)

but that's not really addressing the matter on an

individual level, though, is it? x is aware. he is

sentient. i believe that he knows of and is flattered

by your interest in him. he is mature enough to not

back away from the inevitable problems that are part

of any normal (quote, unquote) relationship. he knows

that sometimes jealousy, et al., rear its/their ugly

head(s) in any relationship. he knows this just as you

do, and he seems willing to deal with that. there is

the small matter of the bry though, isn't there?

[i'm sorry. this seems very compressed to me, this

discussion. very truncated. i want to explain in part

that i'm in full run mode. but i also want to say that

it's truncated nature does not indicate a lack of my

caring. full run mode. that's it.]

the next day:

so my question is: are you clinging to a bry so as

to have some safety net in the event of calamity? are

you finding the bry to be a good thing or just a

thing thing to have? and i guess i have to ask that

because i have never understood the bry. i like the

bry. and that's not just because i like me a tall

man. i even like the crazy little stories he tells

that seem to make you want to strangle him. however, i

don't know the bry. and i certainly don't know the

bryan's function in the life of sophistica. this may be

straying into d.a.d.t. territory, but i don't know for

sure if it is. what is the function of a bry? now,

having asked that, i have clearly to say that it is

none of my business. but if you want an opinion, i'd

say risk an unknown. an x. don't get me wrong. i love

me some bry. i just don't know that the bryan is the

thing to hang onto that keeps you from moving on to

something that is potentially better. that the family

knows not about the bry, but knows about the x?

yeah. well. but of course i say this with the huge

caveat that if there is truly on your part the lack of

a physical attraction to x, then let him go. keep him

as a friend, but let go of the rest of it. i say this

from experience, and not in a very organized manner.

so what is the role of love in our lives? more and

more i'm coming to the realization that love is

something to be freely and frighteningly expressed

(and not that free love/let's sleep with everyone who

appeals to us crap, but real love--the caring, scary

stuff that perhaps hurts at first and perhaps hurts at

last to express, but which we should be expressing all

the time until it seems normal and right to be

expressing it and not crazy and out-of-control to

express it) and freely and frighteningly received. and

it gives one not the right to shackle another person

and it gives one not the responsibility to take on

shackles. that said, love is inherently frightening.

it is an unknown. it is a risk. it is gaining and

losing. it's probably not for everyone. do i know

these things or do i just say them? do i know them

because i write these things on my heart and love it?

i write these things on my heart and love it. i write

these things on my heart and then i hate it. i break

it. i break it really and i break it fantastically. i

throw it away. i ignore it. i send it on long journeys

through hell. and it comes back stronger. and i don't

know what to make of this. i don't know how it works.

it's not like anything else i've ever known.

nattery thoughts on love.

this has been a public service announcement.

i'm not sure any of this helps. i don't know much

about x or about sophistica or about love that might help

anyone in any situation. i just think: try it. i just

think it's worth a risk.

[and so neo decided not to go to the conference

and when he told me, i replied, "o.k." and then i went

to coffee with mel, who said, "he's an asshole. he

knows he's an asshole. he decides to be an asshole.

and he may not have many social skills, but he knows

how to manipulate people." and i wanted to argue, but

i didn't. my heart wasn't in it.

so that's the end of my involvement. my heart is still

open (as i feel it should be), but there are more

important things that it needs to spend time

considering in the here and now. and i have regrets,

but i'm trying to temper that with the thought that i

tried. i made mistakes, but i tried. and am i better

off for having done so? yes. i believe yes, and my

heart confirms it. and so now is when we finally get

to walk away.]

so: i don't know, dearest. i don't know how to advise

the handling of the x. with love? certainly. but

beyond that? my feeling is: risk it. this one time,

risk it. all the rest of the times, you can go back to

the walk away option. but this time, try it. it's a

big risk. but the payoff may be big too. so, learn

from my mistakes if you can--x being a better man than

the neo, certainly, and so more worth the risk.

but remember i put all that i had ever known on a dark

horse that didn't come in and i'm still here. and i'm

even better off for having done it. despite the

moments of loneliness, the experience taught me to

orient myself to what is real, what is essential, and

despite the continuing moments of uncertainty, my

trust in that is the x that marks the spot at the


wherever that may be.

with love,


retreat or surrender

More lies:
Waking Sleeping Demons II - Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011
Waking Sleeping Demons - Saturday, Oct. 29, 2011
time - Friday, May. 20, 2011
- - Wednesday, Oct. 06, 2010
The Return - Tuesday, Oct. 05, 2010

� sublingua