
The heart with a mind of its own.

(Be present.)

The mind with a heart of its own.

(It's past.)

The dream that is your waking life.

(Go there now.)

The Bipartite Demon
Friday, Jan. 16, 2004

PART A: Smoking

I�ll bet you�re wondering how the whole �I quit smoking� thing is going. Well, put away your cynicism, because I�m holding, baby. However, I do have one question:

What do non-smokers do?!

I suppose there was a time when I didn�t smoke, so I should know this, but The Brain seems to have undergone some unauthorized purge that cleared this information from my mental coffers. So, in the absence of any real memory of what the non-smoking Sublingua used to do when she was not smoking, I�ve been cleaning. And cleaning. And cleaning. And if you�ve ever seen my apartment (and I�m assuming that most of you haven�t), you know that it doesn�t require a whole lot of cleaning. First, the apartment is not that big, and second, I don�t have all that much stuff. I mean, the place is generally so void of things that it still, like an empty apartment, has a goddamned echo. So the place looks like I�m about to move out and I am desperate for my damage deposit back, it�s that clean.

Also, I�ve decided that though I quit smoking, I didn�t quit second-hand smoking. Because people who quit smoking are usually quite bearable, but when people quit second-hand smoking? Well, they become total assholes. You know the people I�m talking about: Those people who come up to you while you are having a quiet smoke way away from the door of the coffee shop that they are coming into and they�re all, like, �You know that smoking kills, right? You have been informed of that, right?� (This actually used to happen a lot to my old friend Malarka, but it doesn�t generally happen to me as I spent years perfecting the whole You�re making a mistake if you think I�m approachable look. I mean, a person has to be pretty damned stupid or have a distinct lack of concern for her or his own safety to bypass that particular protective mechanism let me tell you. Not that there aren�t plenty of these types of people around, but they�re generally smokers themselves, right?)


God, there so was going to be a PART B to this little entry. It was going to be all clever and angst-y both and it would have impressed the hell out of you. Really. You would�ve liked me a whole lot when I was done telling you what I was going to tell you. But The Brain is suddenly very reticent. I will say this, however: I�m moving past what I need to move past, and I�m probably done, for the moment, speaking of it.

retreat or surrender

More lies:
Waking Sleeping Demons II - Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011
Waking Sleeping Demons - Saturday, Oct. 29, 2011
time - Friday, May. 20, 2011
- - Wednesday, Oct. 06, 2010
The Return - Tuesday, Oct. 05, 2010

� sublingua