
The heart with a mind of its own.

(Be present.)

The mind with a heart of its own.

(It's past.)

The dream that is your waking life.

(Go there now.)

part XI: all's well that's roswell?
Monday, Oct. 06, 2003

dear heart,

let's start where you leave off, with the

x, yeah? The following is a direct quote,

cut and pasted from an email he sent as a reply to my

teasing him about how fast he works, buddhist-wise:

"Actually, I don't work quickly. I'm more like a

spider -- wait until


moment's right and all that. This has the beneficial

effect of keeping

me from making a fool of myself (sorry)."

I think that the sorry referred to his being sorry to

disappoint or disillusion me about the alacrity of the

conversion process. However, that is not the

significant thing about this. Um. I think the

significant thing is that he is a waitandseer (much

like the boy i am enamored with at the moment) and

that you are a waitandseer (perhaps?) and that what

this means is that one of you is going to have to

blink if you want to get the ball rolling (and/or mix

metaphors badly. or is that me? oh. wait. that was me.


this relates?:

when i first met neo, i had this dream: i was

sitting in an underground room where a banquet was

going on and people were sitting around a table,

feasting and laughing and enjoying themselves. i was a

guest at the banquet, but i was not sitting at the

table. i was sitting at the edge of the room, at a

bench along the wall. i had to wait until everyone

else was served before i got anything. a woman came

into the room. she was dressed as cleopatra, but she

was obviously there to entertain the guests. she came

in and left the room three times, and the last time i

looked at her and thought: she's me--i'm the real me,

and she's the fake me. and when i realized this, she

came over to me. she spoke, saying, "i'm not real, but

here is something that is." and as she said this, she

gestured at a tall alien standing next to her. i was

startled, not having noticed his presence prior to her

gesture despite the fact that he towered over me. as

my attention focused on him, he stepped forward and

began to speak to me and i thought, "if he's real, why

does he have to say he's real?" and woke up.

i realized immediately upon waking that the alien was

neo, but the "if he's real" question stayed in my

head. i kept trying to think, he's fake and that's why

he has to say he's real. anyway, it took me all that

day to wash the cynicism from my thinking and i

finally came to realize that the question was posed

rhetorically and that since neo truly was real he

didn't have to prove this to me. i told this dream to

neo a few weeks after having it, and i asked him,

"if your life were a dream, what would be my

significance to you in the dream?" his immediate

answer was: "you are here to keep me in the dream." (i

thought about this answer over a few days and finally

asked him what it meant, and he replied that he often

doesn't remember his dreams, or that he wakes himself

up out of them for whatever reason, but that my

appearance in this dream that is his waking life was

keeping him interested and that made want to stay in

the dream.) he asked what his appearance in my

waking-life dream meant, and i had truthfully to

reply, "you are a reminder of what is real, what is


so, to me, it seems as though x is functioning in

the dream that is your waking life the way neo

seems to be functioning in mine. and if x is this

same reminder to you, of yourself, of what is real and

what is essential, then i happen to think that that is

pretty profound. if you turn your view outward, at

the world and people around you, then why wouldn't you

want someone around who keeps you focused on what is

important, real, essential? i think, in fact, that we

should try only to have those people around us, or at

least that those closest to us should function, in

part, in this way.


i was reading your email over for about the sixth time

and something stuck itself out at me, and that was

when you were saying how stephen felt that his wife

was the first one to love him for who he really was.

it struck me, being the stephen in this equation, that

this, in some very deep and sad way is true--that is,

she did love what he was because what he was, in part,

was willing to endure any kind of...i don't

know...hurt, maybe? i mean, he was willing, because of

his own feelings of undeservedness, to live with

someone who because they understand those feelings,

however unconsciously, plays into them and makes him

feel as he feels he should feel: unloved and unwanted.

(am i making any sense?) for me anyway, it all returns

to the necessity to feel second best. well, that's not

entirely true because there are other issues at play

in there, some of them extending back into childhood

and which are related to why it is necessary to feel

as though one deserves to be unloved and to why one

would be willing to embrace a life in which physical

attention would be unwanted. it's more complicated

than that, but complexity i think is a thing best

approached slowly and purposefully. maybe?

or maybe that's elephants? (there should have been an

inappropriate joke warning all over that one. sorry.)

i guess i know that people feel unloved and unwanted

all the time, and many people feel as though they

deserve to be kept in this state--or is that true?

suddenly, i'm fairly unwilling to guess that this is

the case. it's all speculation anyway, so i'm going to

think about it some more before i say anything else,


from the "it's easier to stay out than it is to get

out" file:

so the apartment hunt is underway. in fact, your old

apartment is for rent--wouldn't my living there, next

door to the stephen be kafka-esque? um. maybe? anyway,

i'm also looking at a place in lea's little compound.

(i spoke with her this morning and she told me that

she and ama had "broken up." details to follow, as

i'm going to visit with her and see the place that's

for rent this afternoon.) i'm mostly just looking for

a room of my own. unfortunately, this will cost $375 a

month + utilities. max has agreed to foot the bill

for a bit. if i do manage to

get in to the MBRS program, i'm heading straight over

to the cripps lab to throw myself (but gently,

darling, gently) upon his, um, mercy. or mercies.

depending on what he will allow. barring that, i'm

sure i'll hit up d.m. and barring that,

i'll throw myself off a bridge for pay, if necessary

and/or possible.

things otherwise are running sort of backwards. you

know how it is when you perform an action and then

only later understand what you have done? well that's

been happening so often recently that i've come to

expect it. this has been true of making plans to

leave. in fact, it's been on my mind (and discussed

with max) on and off for the last two or three years.

the last serious discussion was about seven months

ago, a few months after we were married. i agreed to

stay--as always--but have known and knew then that it

was inevitable that i would be leaving. i had hoped to

make the move to graduate school be the time for that,

but i think somehow that this is better, not only

because i won't be starting grad school with this huge

sense of loss that accompanies anything of this

nature, but also because i want some familiarity about

me as a stabilizing force while this all plays itself


i suppose that's about the extent of updatable

material. there is, of course, lots more (almost

typed "lost more"), but it needs to sit a bit until i

have some perspective on it.

yeah? yeah.

all my lovin'--


retreat or surrender

More lies:
Waking Sleeping Demons II - Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011
Waking Sleeping Demons - Saturday, Oct. 29, 2011
time - Friday, May. 20, 2011
- - Wednesday, Oct. 06, 2010
The Return - Tuesday, Oct. 05, 2010

� sublingua