
The heart with a mind of its own.

(Be present.)

The mind with a heart of its own.

(It's past.)

The dream that is your waking life.

(Go there now.)

part IX: what fresh hell is this?
Monday, Oct. 06, 2003


i hardly know where to begin. however, this is not a

new dilemma. i've never known where to begin and i

certainly have no idea where to end. so let's just

start here and agree to end when things make sense, if


i guess a x is just as good a place to

start as anywhere (want so badly to put "anywheres" in

there just because people who say "anywheres" make me

want to form my own vigilante grammar squad and commit

crimes against their persons. and, yes, you can call

anything from the opening to the closing of this

parenthetical distraction a great avoidance technique.

the greatest perhaps known to man--or to me anyway.

anyways.) but let's get down to it, yeah? i've had the

feeling, since the earliest "sophistica, this is x.

x, sophistica" days that things might lead down this

path. (max and i used to discuss it from time to

time, and, as he is a more patient person in general,

he was closer than i to the mark as to when things

were going to reach this point.) it wasn't so much

that the x has this

ordered-from-the-back-of-a-comic-book super power to

make us all do his eccentric and not quite so evil

bidding either, you know. x is supersmart, quirky,

good-looking, independent, ambitious--you name it--so

what's not to appeal? (i'd go for him myself if i

weren't already wrecking my life in other, more

destructive ways, and if i hadn't already cast myself,

in my head, as the older sister he never had.) he is

an appealing boy on so many levels that it seems that

the only problem (at this point anyway. anyways.) is

the x's buddhist calling, yeah? only, i

can't help but think that if we hadn't cornered him

about his habits (tied him to the chair, shined the

light in his eyes, threatened him with rubber hoses

and played "good sublingua, bad sophistica" or vice versa), or

if he hadn't been as willing to be truthful as he was

(and who can really fault truth-telling as a virtue?

and without a trace of bragging or sense of conquest

that one might expect from so many boys), you'd know

little to nothing about the practice of buddhism,

which leads me to suspect that he might, given the

right opportunity, willingly abandon it. i mean, he

may be many things (to many women--sorry, couldn't

resist), but he doesn't cheat. and, even if he doesn't

engage in do-overs, there is the fact that he is still

friends with the xmeg as evidence that he doesn't let

his religious practices interfere with his frienships

once the conversion process ends, yeah? i don't know.

also, here's something else i don't know, the

not-in-a-nutshell version: the subject of x's

feeling unloved has never, never, never come up in any

conversation that i have had with him. never. this is

probably a bad thing for me to say. because. because i

think it means that he's confiding in you regarding

some pretty deep stuff for him. and. why? is this bad?

(please excuse the creative punctuating. or

puncture-ating. or something.) because. because what

are you going to do with this knowledge? and Not: i

think you are going to use this knowledge to some evil

purpose. but: is this the kind of knowledge that might

cause one to start up some kind of loop that does

nothing but cause some kind of selfed misery? (how's

that for a question? well, i don't have to answer

them, so i guess i'll just stick to (im)posing them.)

i mean, you mean something to him, my dear. he is

looking, i think, for some understanding. and the rest

of us haven't cut it enough for him to try this stuff

out on. nope.

but what does that mean? i mean, if it were me (and it

isn't, except in some sort of it's not being me kind

of way), i'd have to say, at this juncture: yeah?

follow your heart. (translation: a) do it. and not

because i am looking for a partner in crime, but

because it would be a good and perhaps necessary thing

to explore. and, b.) are you up to it?)

but what are we forgetting? bry. oh, yeah. bry.

okay, so, i don't know bry. no, really. i don't know

him. but my interactions with him lead me to believe

that he's a nice guy. really. really. painfully. nice.

but there is a distinct lack of. . .thoughfulness

about certain things on his part, yeah? um. that's me,

attempting to be diplomatic. and failing. i think that

bryan is probably enough. but is enough enough? (i'm

going to let this one go for the moment. there

probably should be more, but i'm not sure i even have

enough information to have an opinion about this. and,

you probably know that "insufficient input" has never

before been reason for me to have no opinion about



so here's a little story i like to call: one heart,

furnished in early foolishness.

where to begin?

last night? drunkenbowlingkaraoke with melissa, the

rockabilly punkster, her sidekick x, me, neo

and max. and, of course, before there is

bowlingkaraoke, there must be drinking. so neo and

i began drinking. max, responsible, drank a guinness

and then water. but neo and i? we drank. drink,

drank, drinking, drinking. we were drinking kamikazis

with guinness chasers. we drank many of them. many,

many of them. we drank so many of them that my

bowling game seemed positively unembarrassing. and the

karaoke? bearable. and neo and i kept drinking,

toasting to ernest hemingway and then to t.s. eliot

and then to rilke and then to mel's grandma betty

(whose penchant for burning bridges runs admirably to

the unallegorical) and then to redheads and then to

living in sin. and then to. and then to. and then.

too. and then we were not sober neo and sober

sublingua anymore. somehow, we were drunken neo and

drunken sublingua. and we kept drinking. drinking.

drinking. and then by the end of the night, max was

pretending not to notice my hand on neo's thigh.

and max was pretending not to notice neo and i

sharing cigarettes by my putting them to neo's

lips and then to mine. and max was pretending not to

notice the close discussion of the perfume i was

wearing. and then. and then. and then.

and then i came home. and then i passed out.

and then i got up this morning to a breakfast of tears

and recriminations. most of which were derived and

delivered by me. because i am the world's biggest

bitch. and i have no shame. sober sublingua? she has

shame. drunken sublingua? not so much. hangover sublingua?

she's the worst.

but the gist of this? the gist of this is that sober

sublingua is about a month away from a divorce. and her

own apartment. and the freedom to chase neo. and i

am being very serious at this moment. all these things

have been discussed. and all of them are in the about

to be put into motion stage. and all of them will come

to pass. and my question to you is: what the fuck am i


but, no, wait. that's a trick question. what i'm doing

is perhaps throwing away my life for what is only a

Chance to be with someone. i mean, there hasn't been

anything said about anything being settled between

anyone involved in this. (and why am i shying away

from mentioning names at this moment? i guess because

it's become de rigeur for this to be the case between

me and neo, and it causes me no end of uncertainty

about what i'm about to do to my life, but which is

based in his incredibly ingrained sense of...whatever,

whatever it is that is related to his religion and his

sense of right and wrong, which is so fucked up that

only the kind of drinking that would fell lesser

beings can reach past them. i mean, if i get out of

this sad but settled little life of mine only to face

an "um. i was just kidding" from neo--?

it would serve me right, certainly.

i want to run away. i want to pack my bags and get the

hell out of dodge and leave this mess behind.

but what i'm going to do is this: i'm going to go

ahead and send this to you now. and you should tell me

i'm fucking crazy and that i should stop chasing

neo and that i'm making a fool out of myself and

need to grow the fuck up and be a man. or something.

semething. or not.

yeah? dearest?


retreat or surrender

More lies:
Waking Sleeping Demons II - Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011
Waking Sleeping Demons - Saturday, Oct. 29, 2011
time - Friday, May. 20, 2011
- - Wednesday, Oct. 06, 2010
The Return - Tuesday, Oct. 05, 2010

� sublingua