
The heart with a mind of its own.

(Be present.)

The mind with a heart of its own.

(It's past.)

The dream that is your waking life.

(Go there now.)

writing and writing
Jan. 8, 2001

Natalie says just write, so I write. Why do I write? I write to remember that I am human, on this earth, of woman, a woman. I write to recall times that should not be forgotten. I write so that others will think that I am friendly, worthy of love, cynical, tired, trying. I write because it is in me to write, even when it isn't in me to communicate. I write because no one else in my family writes. I write to be different from them. I write because there is only working and writing and working. I write because I have to make sense of who I am, what I experience, where I am going, where I have been. I write because writing is all that I can do to leave a mark, my mark, on this earth. I write because I don't know how else to make a difference. I write because I'm scared. I write to give voice to my fears. I write so that I can find out how I'm feeling. I write because something inside of me says, "write." I write to avoid doing more intelligent, efficient, useful things with my life. I write because I love words. I write because I love books and want to crawl inside them and live my life inside them. I write to escape the life that I do have. I write to get out of my head what disturbs and frightens me. I write because I can. I write because sometimes I surprise myself. I write because the least I can do is write. I write because my house is dirty, the laundry is undone, the television set is blaring in the background, because Max is snoozing the alarm over and over and over again, because I can't sleep, because of my father. I write because there must be truth in there somewhere and I want to find it. I write to mine for truth. I write because I feel that life is unfair. I write to show that I am human, capable of expressing what I feel, see, do, experience. I write because I am hurt, damaged, ignored. I write into silence because I have to fill space. I write because I am too nervous to do. I write because of the unbelievable audacity of others. I write because I can't but write. I write because I may never amount to anything. I write because I hate other people so much. I write because I am lonely, alone, crazy. I write because no one will listen. I write so that I can conquer fear. I write so that I can someday be famous and laugh at everyone on my way to the bank. I write so that you don't have to.

retreat or surrender

More lies:
Waking Sleeping Demons II - Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011
Waking Sleeping Demons - Saturday, Oct. 29, 2011
time - Friday, May. 20, 2011
- - Wednesday, Oct. 06, 2010
The Return - Tuesday, Oct. 05, 2010

� sublingua